Le Sanctuaire des Dieux RPG II
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The key to surviving in Escape Road lies in knowing when to speed up, when to drift, and when to make a sharp turn to avoid police cars or escape roadblocks.
My mom is a Virgo and they are really demanding. That's why Virgo mothers are the worst - they are so hard on themselves and others!
Hello everyone, I’m here because some of you have been doing Surface format optimization on their devices. But before you do that, you must check if your system is running correctly on its own - if the machine cannot run other games, it should be able to operate well on its own; otherwise, the issue is most likely not fixable through settings. It, in short, make absolutely sure your Processor and GPU fans are clean, and that you have enough thermal paste on your Processor if you are confident doing so. Alternatively, get a tech-savvy friend or a com[CENSURE]r shop to clean your fans for you to avoid damage.

read more here>

En mémoire d'un topic que j'ai mis des heures écrire ^^
Linoa Heartilly
Moa, je voulais le revendre, mais bon, j'ai pas pu lol
c'est tout un art de collectionner
Membre désinscrit
U-aquarius a écrit :

moi je vend pas

moi non plus
moi je vend pas
Membre désinscrit
dsl, g craqué, g revendu le jeu avan de lavoir refai une énième foi juste pour la statue!!
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